Blessed are you who consider the poor. Psalm 41:1 This scripture has resonated in my heart all day. What a blessing it is to think not only of one's self, but also to consider others, especially those less fortunate.

My name is Donna Lee Williams. I will be working with Rachel to keep you abreast of the latest events and happenings of the 2010 Togo Medical Team. This will be my second trip to Togo. It was a life changing experience in 2006 and I thank God He has once again allowed me to be a part of a team that gets an opportunity to shower our Togolese brothers and sisters with the love of Christ.
Our team had its third team meeting today and it was GREAT! Chris presented an informative mini-training on Sharing our Testimonies. Ariana then facilitated the meeting which included a lively discussion filled with many great questions from team members and wise responses from Togo veterans. We are an eclectic group with diverse gifts and areas of expertise. The beauty of a team such as ours is that God will use all of our gifts and talents for His glory as we become a cohesive unit. Together we'll be able to accomplish much more than we could ever accomplish individually.

In addition to our team meetings, we are also preparing for our first team fundraiser, First Wednesday Dinner at the Long Point Campus. Please come out and support us on July 7th for a great meal followed by an awesome worship service. Also, plan now to join us on Sunday August 1st at Rialde Farms! This fun filled day promises to be unforgettable for the entire family!
Please continue to check our blog often for prayer requests and the most recent information on our team here and in Togo.
Grace and Peace,
Donna Lee
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