Tuesday, July 20, 2010

First Wednesday Dinner & Meeting #4

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. 10 For if one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who falls when there is not another to raise him up? - Ecclesiastes 4:9,10

On July 7th we were able to sponsor the First Wednesday dinner at both the Summerville and Mt. Pleasant campuses! It was a great evening filled with fellowship, food, laughter, and praise. Although it was very different having the team split, we were able to raise more money for our trips by hosting the dinner at both locations. At the end of the meal we packed up to-go boxes for Togo! Families were able to purchase the meals to take home for later.
On Sunday, July 11th we had our fourth Togo meeting. We spent time focusing on each other's personalities and learning how to work with one another. Karen came up with a great activity that tests our acting skills! Each personality type has come up with a short skit to show how to work with the different members of the team. We will be working so closely together and trying to help as many people as possible in Togo- neither of which will be possible if we don't know how to communicate with one another! I can't wait to see the skits!

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